The Busted Mogul - The intriguing documentary series narrated by Stacey Keach tells the stories of some of the biggest corporate scams and frauds in American history. The series presents the often overlooked dark side of the American dream, and shows just what are some individuals ready to do for money. The episodes offer an in-depth look into the most scandalous financial crimes, which include bank robberies, investment and insurance frauds, identity thefts and more.
Narrator |
Stacy Keach
Self - Former Wife of Lobsang Dargey |
Tami Agassi
Self - Assistant U.S. Attorney |
Justin Arnold
Self - Former Office Manager for Lobsang Dargey |
Kami Erickson
Self - FBI Special Agent |
Katie Moran
Self - EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Specialist |
Bradley Sher
Self - Assistant U.S. Attorney |
Seth Wilkinson
Self - Former V.P. Construction of Path America LLC |
Joe Zlab
Schnitt |
Bill Ward
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