Was wäre, wenn wir mit Sicherheit wüssten, dass die Erde in wenigen Jahrzehnten zerstört würde, ohne dass wir etwas dagegen unternehmen könnten?
Himself - Director of Astrobiology Center, Columbia University |
Caleb Scharf
Himself - Physicist & Vice President, Icarus Interstellar |
Kelvin Long
Himself - Professor of Physics & Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology |
Hakeem Oluseyi
Himself - Astrophysicist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Karl Stapelfeldt
Himself - Science Fiction Author |
David Bartell
Himself - Professor of Media Studies, Fordham University |
Paul Levinson
Herself - Professor of Sociology, Fordham University |
Heather Gautney
Herself - Visiting Professor of Physics, University of Maryland at Baltimore |
Catherine Asaro
Himself - Physicist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center |
Les Johnson
Himself - Professor of Spaceflight Human Factors |
Jason Kring
Regie |
Ted Schillinger
Drehbuch |
Bill McClane
Kamera |
Vitaly Bokser
Schnitt |
Will Gardiner
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