Second Life in Scandinavia Neu

TV DIGITAL Blick ins Heft
Fr, 17.01.
08:00 - 09:00
4 out of 4 based on 1 reviews


Hello from Sweden!We are on our way to the island of Orust. This island lives from boatbuilding, and big companies produce sailing boats here to expand their boats to the entire world. When the economic crisis stroke, demand decreased, thus less boats were ordered. This forced habitants of the small island of Orust to find a new path.Refit has become the new trend in Second Life in Scandinavia. Giving a new life to beautiful yachts, not only the economy is changing, but the local community as well. Lucia will venture into the island of Orust to learn more about the way its population has adapted and how it has become the mecca of boatbuilding.Watch out now, on Nautical Channel.

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