- Schlacht um die Midwayinseln -
Der Überraschungsangriff der Japaner auf den US-Marinestützpunkt Pearl Harbor war ein voller Erfolg. Als es die Japaner auf die für den Nachschub wichtigen Midwayinseln abgesehen haben, kommt es dort zum entscheidenden Showdown.
Himself - Professor of Naval History, King's College London |
Andrew Lambert
Himself - Professor of Strategic Studies, University of St. Andrews |
Phillips O'Brien
Herself - Co-Author, Never Call Me a Hero |
Laura Lawfer Orr
Himself - Associate Professor of Military History, Old Dominion University, U.S. |
Timothy Orr
Himself - Co-Author, Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway |
Jonathan Parshall
Herself - Professor of History, Rice University |
Sayuri Gutherie Shimizu
Himself - Professor of Maritime History, U.S. Naval War College |
Craig L. Symonds
Himself - Professor of Military History, University of North Texas |
Geoffrey Wawro
Himself |
James Doolittle
Himself |
Chiuichi Nagumo
Regie |
Sam Taplin
Schnitt |
Mark Easton
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